DATA ENTRY on 11.09.2003

�the taste of your lips that spoke such lies - ryan balderas.�


its me.

how are you? doing well, i hope.

well. im afraid this is one of those entries where comedy is at a low. maybe in a paragraph or so. but right now what i want to talk about is michelle. i talked to her last night. it was great. but yet.. not. a lot of perspective added. she informed me why she hasnt talked to me in forever...

apparently im a depressing bastard. not in those words. but you know. so much is laid into perspective. but you know what else? fuck that. yeah you know what i complain a lot. but exuse me for not having afucking wonderful life. im sorry that things dont go well for really i am. im so sorry. im sorry i have so much to vent to this diary. fucking helll. you know? seriously. i love all of you. for reasl. who wants to trade places with me? you think youd live through this? im only weak becuase im strong enough to endure what i have

who reading this has had someone chase them in truck while on foot while your high school teachers watched and did nothing? cmon. im not looking for pity. im looking for some goddamned understanding. she acts like im liviong for sypathy. i just want her to tell me everything's ok. but no. thats too much aopparently.

fuck it.

who cares?


i just want... well i dont know.

so theres the negative. lets get positive. its a bit akward, but becuase i know he'll read this someday. but i thank whatevers out there everyday for my new friend ryan. i dunno...

hes just been reawlly really supportive. and my roommate chris. and my old friend derek. and joe who got me here in the first place. carl too. so yeah. dan parker wishes you all the best. you deserve it. really.

there have been a few sexual exploits here and there, but you know what? i dont really feel like talkin about it.

you know, sometimes you just need a good cry. i think now is that time.

with that,

good nivhgt.

muxch love,

-daniel parker.

feel free to add me to your look me up as: [email protected]

as i wrote this:
drunk when i wrote this?