DATA ENTRY on 23.09.2003




um... hi.

welcmoe to my diary. um whatever. again, friendster [email protected]. yeah..

so whatever.

i talked o michelle again.

i dont even know if i wanna tsal about it. tnight though...

botttle of chardonaay... however its sprleed and anfd a forty of molesn ICE. boooyah/....

fuckim hammered.


helo, this is dan parker.

comning to you live from my partnment. im like 3 inches frm my keyboard and its pretty funny,. im bnot looking up. bah. nbbvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvcxz

'that was my head.,


so anyhow....yeah,... drubnkeness trukes.


i duno if i m even incndition to update. vubut i will

so i talked to michelle tonight. she wont come over. there is much fighting there.

but sigh... ryan is soon to be over

i must go back later....

as i wrote this:
drunk when i wrote this?