DATA ENTRY on 26.08.2003

�emission impossible.�

helllooooooooooooo and howdy

tonight we bid adue(?) to out favorite peatnut barrel waiter, and all arounf stand up guy, chris/. chris oyou riock. good li=uck in oregon. youll nrever read this but oh well. good luck.

soi the nmystery was solved. i found out who loaned me her "services" as one reader so kindly put it. an no. it was not a "dude". she apologized and both swore off hard liquor. and all was well.

i still hav emy shit over there but am still afriad to go get it though. why? cuase im a pussy. and i feel really rerally bad about it ever happening in the first place. im such a schmuck.

i remember when i was walking to the party thre tohter night, someone making fun of me for my tie. it really got to me. not becuase anything that person said really meant anything to me. but there are still so many people who will never move on from high school. thus cuaseing the rest o us to question whether or not we will move on from high school. and i want to stab him in the throat.

oh yeah and then i felt better thinking about how much smallwer his weiner is than mine. but then i think... wait someone has prolly at least enjoyed the sexual act with him once. and then i think, my life sucks.

ok. that wraps it up for me.

word up.

hugs and drunken kisses and whatever other services i can offer you,



thanks again those who keep donating.

as i wrote this:
drunk when i wrote this?