DATA ENTRY on 2003-03-12


Ah. where do i start? i've gotta find a groove or something. i did an entry like 3 days ago, and it got erased by the diaryland goblin or something. i dunno. i it was a big 'un too, but oh well.

so from scratch... well... you wanna know a about me, hit up the profile. too lazy? a'ight. My name is dan parker. im 22, as of last sunday, which may be the worst day of my life, but we'll get to that in a bit. For a living, i mostly freelance caricatures, quite possibly the worst job in the world (some people may say shoveling shit; but i think this is a mere metaphor for peddling my sub-par "artistic" wares)

i live in east lansing, Michigan. home of michigan state university, but i dont go there. i havent gone to college since the days of north central michigan college. way up north. they edjamucated me real good.

so this is pretty hard for me... opening up and whatnot. ive learned to build up some defenses and whatnot. seems like everyones just waiting to hurt you these days, yknow? and everyones got their own problems, last thing they need is anyone elses shit. hence, ill lock myself up in this apartment and leave for nothing but cigarettes and beer. i dont want anyone elses shit, and i wont give them mine. so yeah, this journal is not known by anyone that knows me. welcome to the secret dan parker journal club, your decoder ring is in the mail.


after the diaryland goblin ate the last entry, im doing all the entries in notepad, then copying and pasting. and, i let this journal sit for a while. while i drank more, ive been drinking since 9am. all i can say is game over, man. this journals been sitting here since like... 6pm. its now 10... fuck. im hammered. i hate my life. period. allow me to rephrase; FUCKING periosd. milwaukee's best is so cheap. God bless that. i got a 30p ack for like 12 dollars. so i was originally set to put up the story of my birthday here, as my first introduction for you all. but ill do that later. heres the summed up:

my parents forgot for the third year, my ex-girlfriend who i am still very much in love with took me out, only to be burst in on by her new "guy friend," we will call him, since she insist that they are not dating, despite the fact that they make out here and there. so anyways, she yells and says whatnot, but ends up leaving with him. and i have to drive her car home. i am the valet service for her makeout session apparently. im a nice guy, and to be honest when we together; i didnt really drink. im not blaming her, but i will say i wouldnt drink so much if it werent for this whole scenario. love fucking sucks.

and who am i kidding, theres enough other shit going on, you'll learn, thatd keep me drunk for years.

as i wrote this: more or less confused. too many things runnin throguh the ol' noggin
mood: i drank in between type strokes. a lot.
drunk when i wrote this? youy bet your ass