
dan parker - 2003-04-23 16:17:11
i know you missed me. sorry guys.
Laura - 2003-04-23 16:59:06
hey Dan, I feel for ya, your life is messed up like mine, it's good to know I'm not the only one out there! Only you have had glimpses of the happy ending, I suppose I have here and there also. Question for you.....Has anyone ever doneated to you paypall deal, I think it's cute. OK, take care pal, hang in there. Tip one up for your pal Laura, hey? Alrighty, I'm out.
Janani - 2003-04-23 17:04:19
I'm sorry. You might think I'm being really sentimental and unhelpful, but the only advice I can offer is just to take a step back and realize that no matter how bad things look and feel, there is always hope and happiness. And neither is out of your reach. You shouldn't be ashamed of pouring your heart out to these "internet people," especially since all these people are doing the same thing, and are more than happy to lend a sympathetic ear. There are people who care about you. To quote you: "I know you missed me." And I for one, did. I would not be surprised if there were more people than just me who cared about your well being either. Take care, and if you ever need to talk about anything, just contact me. That said, I'm no sage old guru, but I am a sympathetic ear.
dan parker - 2003-04-23 17:24:28
holy craop. you guys rule. thankks for the kind words, its super nice. sorry this entruy wasnt funny as i usually try t o be... just had some shitp iled up in my friggi head. and laura, yes - the donations have been goin go k. i cant wait to start drinnkning in people's names! thanks all. stay tuned.
Jessie - 2003-04-23 17:31:28
Heh... I wondered why you hadn't been updating. I missed the funny rants, and living vicariously through your constant drunkeness. Your diary is how I take my mind off of the fact that I am NOT drunk. *sniff*
danno mcparker - 2003-04-23 17:49:40
ok. im starting to feel bad for feeling bad. and not being funny. how about htis. a mini-rant. this has been bugging me. why do all teh fucking hippie stores smell the same? is there so sort of inscence that the rest of the non-hippy store owning worl arent being clued into? i think its called "smelly hippy store" and they keep their stash of it behind the glowin the dark dragon bongs. next time your in a hippe store. ask about it. tho they prbably have some sort of password about it... maybe you ask about pitchulie alien head hookas to get to the goods. who knows.
Danie - 2003-04-23 17:54:25
Sex = relationship? Wow, and I thought I was being clingy because I wanted him to use my name during sex. I hope the web untangles in a way you can enjoy. Don't be so hard on yourself, you treat Sarah, Steffie, and Michelle better then any guy has ever treated me. You deserve better then yourself.
Swizzle - 2003-04-23 18:15:21
Hey Dan! I've never posted any comments here, but I read your diary religiously. I'd say you go for it with Sarah, since Michelle seems to be bringing you down. Alot. You deserve someone way better than her. She doesn't seem to see how lucky she is to have you. And "Rhode Island" AKA "Steffie"... I don't know what to say about her, I think you need someone who's there for you physically. Do you know what I mean? Don't be so harsh on yourself dude. You're going to make it through, and be fine. It just takes time. Drop me a line if you want to talk about anything. ~Swizz
fairyzebra - 2003-04-23 22:10:52
Yes, sarah definitely sounds like a good choice. You really do need someone/something (besides drinking, i mean) to take your mind off your current situation. At least give it a try. who knows? it could work out better than you could hope. At the very least, you'll feel better than you do now.
red-savannah - 2003-04-24 10:10:01
Hey Dan Parker! I seem to be having a lot of the same problems you have, not the 'ginormous' dick or anything, but quasi-relationship-wise (that's definately not a word)...I wish you much luck. Maybe we'll eventually figure this all out...
joseph x. burke - 2003-04-24 14:26:07
dan -- and i've told you this a million-and-twelve times -- but i really agree with this "swizzle" character in his/her thoughts on the sarah/michelle/steffie situation. to tip the balances in the way of sanity in relationships (which is "sarah" in this case), i sent you $20 to be spent on sobering frozen cokes and 4am donuts. enjoy. -joe.
allison - 2003-04-24 21:40:00
yeah, chicks = trouble. love is certainly a tricky mistress, dude. but it's always nice to know that a good buddy like Jack Daniels will always be there to make it all cool again.
Joshy Longstuff - 2003-04-25 20:11:24
well,well Mr. Fancy "hot girls like me and I dont have to pay for sex" Parker, some of sit home and drink ourselves to sleep only knowing the hollow pain of loneliness, wishing we had your problems so as to only know a brief glimpse of happiness. I guess I'll just have to prove my kindness and goodwill thru helping your drinkin problem thru paypal you dirty dirty bastard.

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